Friday, July 4, 2014

Family Swim Time

Dominic:  When are we going to the pool?

Me: Probably Friday.

Dominic:  We are going to the pool after nap?

Me: It is Tuesday, not Friday.

Dominic: Is that tomorrow after nap?

Me:  No, in a few days.

Dominic: Okay.

Bria and Charis run down the stairs in their swimsuits, Dominic is already wearing his.

Charis: We are going swimming?

Me: Not today.

Charis:  But I am wearing one swimsuit and Bria is wearing two.

Me:  We are going to the pool on Friday so that Daddy can help us.

Bria:  I am going to the pool!

Ellianna: Not today Bria!

Bria: But I'm going to the pool.

Joel and Ellianna at the same time: On Friday!

Yes, the Ruybalid family has not been swimming all together ever!  The last time I was in a pool we had four kids and Bria on the way.  In fact, I did not know where my swimsuit was.  I thought I might have thrown it out in the trash.  However, after digging in the garage for a week, I found it.  I guess I am not off the hook for the family swim trip.  Cape George pool, here we come.  Six very excited kids cannot wait to spend some time in the water!  I will post more about this adventure later.