Did you ever just wake up and feel like all of a sudden your friends of years have just slipped through the cracks? Sure we look at photos on Facebook, and send quick one line Happy Birthdays. Everyone is busy. I can find something to do every second of the day at this point and no that does not include glancing at a smart phone every five minutes. I am sure I would stare at that phone if I had one. I check my email around 2-3 times a day along with Facebook.
I think the more I delete junk mail and look at people's posts, I am still in touch with the world outside my house. I can have a day where I know what so many people are up to without having to put much energy in the friendships. Don't mind me for complaining. I love Facebook for keeping up with people who live far away, for relatives and friends in other countries. What I don't like is the fact that I used to take the time to remember birthdays and actually call people...I still call a short list. Most of my emails where actually letters, not advertisements. I never used to think that a coupon in my inbox was all that exciting, but now it is the better coupon email that I open instead of REAL emails. You have to write emails to get them...I tell myself. So I have decided to try and write more emails. Maybe my news is lame to me, but it could be quite interesting to people I barely speak to.
Am I going through some kind of 30 something crisis? Am I just a bored mom of 6? How can you put bored and mom of 6 in the same sentence? I am slowly seeing the world turn inward and forget about actual people, relationships, friendships. I am thankful I am married and not trying to date in such a cold world. Yes, there are old connections and friends of friends, but this is a day in the life of me...the phone almost never rings and when it does it is my mom, husband, or one of three friends who call me still and I call them. I get up, workout and take care of the family, it really is a full-time job. The house is never perfect at this point and laundry day is everyday. Cooking takes a few hours a meal if you include clean up. I get an hour or two to sew diapers, curl up on the couch and watch a show, or maybe eat lunch in quiet. Then the kids are up from nap. It is time to get dinner on the table, keep the kids from fighting nonstop, and bedtime takes a few hours. We are strict about sleep so I get a few hours with just my husband every evening too. And then it is the next day.
I don't know who my neighbors are really. I met one couple on my street and we have lived in our house seven months now. We are a bit out of place being a young family, but still. Summer hit and all the weekly meeting groups disappear, minus my woman's group that I really enjoy. (Often the only time I leave the house that whole week other than to grocery shop). I used to plan more...playdates and trips to the park, but with six kids leaving the house is work. It takes 30 minutes to get everyone ready and in the care. 4 of my kids need help with everything!
Even all that being said, I can still find time in the day to write this blog, stay in touch with people, have a five minute chat. I would still like to live in a world where those things matter and count. Feeling isolated seems to be part of motherhood, but has it gotten harder now that a glance at a page counts as staying in touch? I am interested to know what people think. Drop me a comment if you want.
I felt that, given all the sentiments in this post about the isolation and anonymity of our tech-driven world (which I completely agree with!), I should actually post a comment to say that I really enjoyed reading your thoughts. Instead of my usual, which is to read anonymously. Thanks for sharing about your life--I always find it interesting and thought-provoking! :) ~Carolyn