Sunday, September 21, 2014

Mamma and the MFA

Yes!  I got in to my first choice MFA program about a month ago and I have been so excited ever since.  If anyone knows me well, then this is no surprise.  I have wanted to work on my MFA for years.  I even got the materials to apply for Goddard in Port Townsend about three times and came out with a positive pregnancy test before I began the process of applying every time.  Now I have decided I really want to be a part of University of California Riverside's Low Residency program in Palm Desert.  After looking at programs, this one seems to really be focused on the professional writing side of things over teaching, even if some of the graduates do go on to teach.

The number one reason I want my MFA is because I have been writing manuscript (s) for awhile now and I want to be heard.  In every profession one is only listened too because of who one knows and writing appears to be the same.  Plus, I look forward to getting pointers for rewriting my work from actual published authors.

I spent a lot of these last ten years telling myself I did not need to spend money on an MFA and I could write on my own, but the truth is, this is the easiest way to make contacts and really find out what publishers are looking for in different kinds of writing.  I even plan to try out the world of screenwriting, something I would be afraid to mess up on my own.  I know nothing about screenwriting or film making, all I know is I like watching things.

So here I am, waiting for school to start.  As I prepare for the unknown I cannot help but feel like I am preparing for a baby.  I have been frantically cleaning my house and trying to come up with the best way to keep things under control in the shortest amount of time.  I have been timing different bread baking methods because nobody in my family wants to eat store bought bread and the fancy bakery bread lasts one day in our house and it costs almost $7 a loaf!  Then there are dinners.  Preparing and freezing meals should in theory work well, but with all the health hazards revolving around plastic and metals, is anything safe in the freezer?  I have yet to find the perfect solution for this.  Maybe certain glass, but I bought four glass containers and they warped even though they are freezer safe.  None of the lids fit right to this day.

Homeschooling is on track and in order, finally.  We were off to a crazy start, but now we can get everything done in the morning on most days.  Everyone is motivated to focus so there is more free time anyway.  I am glad my kids are realizing how nice having a strict schedule can be.

On top of the housework I hear I have a lot of writing due the first week of school and we start talking about the first book the first day of school.  Technically I am in school now.  I have been frantically reading as much as I can and writing in every spare moment.  Who knew 31 pages of a screenplay could take form so fast.  I am enjoying my new and secret creative world.  I feel like I have several hidden stories in my head and actually a place to share them.  Maybe someday others will like what I have to say too.

Writing world, here I come!