Thursday, October 18, 2012

Me: Adoption

As I look at my children I see so much of myself.  I see my husband too.  There are these facial expressions I remember seeing in photos of me at similar ages.  Each child has his or her own unique look of course, but there is also a distant reflection of my husband and myself.

It is amazing to notice the different combinations in five children.  Had I stopped at two kids I would have missed out.  Not one baby has looked exactly like any others.  Only one child was born with blue eyes.  Having children is completely miraculous!

Being adopted is a different kind of miracle.  I get to pretend that my eyes might look like my mother's and my nose must be from my father.  Were they both the same skin tone?  Am I not quite five feet because my mother was short too?  There are questions I will never answer, but the mystery can be fun as well.

Every time I have a baby I think about the whole connection from pregnancy on.  I must know the sound of my mother's voice.  I am drawn to sounds that remind me of Bengali even though I don't know the language myself.

Certain parts of my identity might be hidden or lost.  I don't know the traditions of the family I came from and I don't know the names of anyone, but my birth mother.  If I had been raised in a village what parts of my personality would be the same?  Would I still love the arts?

But I look at who I am now.  I have seen a lot of the world.  My experiences are unique to me.  There is so much that takes the place of all the questions.  I know a whole different sets of traditions.  A world I would have never explored is a part of me now.

I get to be caught in the middle of what if and now, but don't most people feel that way?  It is different, but also the same.  I must say that having my own children has in some way brought me back to guessing if my kids look like other people I am related too?

When my husband's family comes to visit I can see all of them in our kids.  It is so fascinating to me to see how traits are passed down.  In a way it is an unwritten history book of  the family and somewhere in all my children are the traits of my family too.

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